If a pregnant woman is a suspect or a confirmed case of COVID-19 then there is no problem during prenatal testing but after the delivery, there are some cautious steps that have to take such as keeping baby in a safe place. If you are taking your new-born to the house then you need to cover your face while coughing and sneezing.
Risk of passing the Coronavirus on to the fetus or newborn
In a study of many COVID-19 affected pregnant women, no cases were found where babies were affected by the Coronavirus. The virus was not present in their breast milk, babies’ throats, and amniotic fluid. Also, none of the newborns tested positive when their mothers tested positive for the coronavirus.
Prenatal DNA Test Atlanta GA
This test will help you in having prenatal testing with safety measures. This pandemic has affected many pregnant women and it is important to follow all precautionary measures. Whether it is invasive or non-invasive prenatal testing, a pregnant woman should also research all information about coronavirus and how it can affect their babies.
Face IT DNA professionals are certified and experienced and can help you if you have some serious doubts about your health. You can go for the Prenatal DNA test in this ongoing pandemic, but find one of the best DNA testing centers near you.